Monday, July 29, 2013

Pony Thought of the Day: I've been caught

Oh no, everyone, they're on to me! The brave, brave souls at Your Kickstarter Sucks have conducted a stunning and thoroughly researched expose of my evil scheme to accept voluntarily offered money in exchange for goods and services. Fortunately, they have a cunning counterstrategy: talking about my Kickstarter to large numbers of people who would otherwise not know that my Kickstarter exists.

I accept my defeat, and humbly bow to you, oh wise and honorable people of Your Kickstarter Sucks.

In other news, the Kickstarter is still hovering just shy of the second stretch goal! There's only a little over a week left, so if you want access to the Kickstarter-exclusive essay or to nudge me closer to being forced to watch Generation 3 ponies, now's your chance!


  1. I love some of the blog names that have reblogged it, including "misandrwitch."

    1. That's pretty good, but I stumble on how to pronounce it. "rw" isn't really a phoneme you encounter a lot.

  2. Don't let the bastards get you down, Froborr.

  3. To be honest, my reaction to the Kickstarter announcement was initially "Why?"

    But then I thought about it. Postmodernism isn't everybody's cup of tea (by a long shot), but to those of whom it IS their cup of tea, this kind of in-depth, consistent postmodern analysis is kind of hard to find. Some level of postmodern thinking can be found just about everywhere, particularly in literary analysis and PARTICULARLY in the analysis of ponies, but your particular brand is more deep and focused than what you'll find in your average internet musing. So, to those that crave this level of analysis, there's a market - all 23 of them.

    1. this kind of in-depth, consistent postmodern analysis is kind of hard to find. Some level of postmodern thinking can be found just about everywhere, particularly in literary analysis and PARTICULARLY in the analysis of ponies, but your particular brand is more deep and focused than what you'll find in your average internet musing.

      Thank you! Very high praise indeed.

      And yes, this is very much a niche market, which is why I'm so happy self-publishing is getting easier and less stigmatized--the kind of overhead a publishing company operates under makes a book with this small a market a complete impossibility for them, but an individual can pull it off.


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