Saturday, August 3, 2013

Pony Thought of the Day: Book Update

There's only a few days left to donate to the Kickstarter! As of writing this (way back in the dim recesses of history known to legend as Thursday), we're only $35 bucks shy of the second stretch goal! In terms of what's actually going on with the book, I've completed the first round of edits and sent them back to the editor. These included a complete rewrite of one of the new chapters and the addition of another new chapter, a brief guide to Equestria for people who've never watched the show. (I don't think anyone who doesn't watch the show is likely to buy the book, my editor (who doesn't watch the show) does. We'll see.) To give you an idea of what I mean by "revised and expanded," the Sunday blog posts from the introduction through "Best Night Ever" comprise about 35,000 words. The book is clocking in at 70,000 at the moment. Also, the cover artist (the inestimable Viga) projects having it done by the end of the day today (meaning Thursday, not Saturday). So that's exciting, I'm hoping to give you all a peek of it soon!

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